Let’s get down to the nitty gritty…

You are welcome to download and review the full Dog Dad 4 Hire Client Packet.

If you don’t want to review the full, official document right now, I have summarized the basics on how to become a client & my rates and sliding scale below. You can also check out my FAQ or contact me if you have a specific question.

Getting Started

To become a client, you will need to:

1) Contact me by filling out a new client form on my contact page.

2) I’ll call or text you to schedule a meet and greet. This is a free initial consultation that takes place in your home. It is a time for filling out paperwork, telling me all about your pet(s) and their needs, allowing your pet(s) to meet me, and scheduling any initial bookings.

If my standard rates are beyond what you can afford, you may qualify for a supported rate. Scroll down to view my sliding scale.

Standard Rates

30 min visit - $22

Typically enough to walk a dog, do a quick drop-in for cat care, do a quick potty out for dogs.

1 Hour visit - $35

Typically enough for a pet sitting visit with multiple tasks including a walk or playtime.

Full Day Service - $150

I don’t offer overnight care, this is my alternative. I arrive at your home in the morning to begin care. I may leave for lunch, other appointments, or a break but will return to your home and continue care in between other commitments, leaving for the day approximately 12 hours after morning arrival time.

Exact details regarding care, arrival and departure time, and length of time pets can be left alone are discussed and agreed upon prior to booking.

Custom Visit Length

I am happy to do custom visit lengths and can calculate a rate upon request.

Sliding Scale

I charge on a sliding scale, which means that I encourage clients to pay according to their available financial resources. It’s like “pay-what-you-can” with a bit of structure.

If you think you may need a supported rate, but aren’t sure even after reading the info below - talk to me and we can figure it out together.

To figure out where you fall, think about your financial situation and which of these sounds most like you.

Pay it forward

“I am financially stable and want to give back by paying a little extra on top of the actual cost of services.”


“I am financially stable. I own my home or am choosing to rent, and have savings beyond an emergency fund. I can easily afford some luxuries and don’t really stress about bills.”


“I am doing okay financially. I am either working on paying off debt, building savings beyond an emergency fund, or moving away from paycheck to paycheck living. I have a steady income and am not struggling to pay my bills.”

Extra Support

“I am struggling a bit financially. It is sometimes a stretch to afford the basics like healthy food, utilities, rent for good quality housing, gas, car maintenance, health care, and child care.”

Sliding Scale 30 Minutes 1 Hour Full Day
Pay it forward $25 $40 $200
Standard $22 $35 $150
Supported $18 $25 $120
Extra Support $12 $15 $85